zaterdag 30 augustus 2008
Een dag vol verrassingen...
Yesterday was a day full off surprises. I went up very early. First I went in the garden. Then the first surprise came. If I could babysit David, a very lovely little neighbourkid. As his mother came home his little sister Emma came over for a visit. We went into the garden and have a picknick together. She was sitting on the footstool, where my own girls have sit on a lot. I sat in the dooropening. The caffee was limmo and the cake was a dutch cookie, named speculaasje. We have had a great time. Then Emma would like to go home. I was not allowed to bring her. She would go all by herself. She shoke my hand and give me a big kiss and there she went. She give me a wave two times. She was very proud going home all by herself.
Daarna de badkamer verder soppen. Daar was ik halverwege mee gestopt omdat Emma kwam. Net weer begonnen en de telefoon gaat. De tweede verrassing. Wilfried, een vriendin, had raad nodig bij een quiltprojectje. Normaal loop ik er dan meteen even heen maar nu wilde ik toch eerst de badkamer af hebben. Een halfuurtje later stonden we samen gebogen over het project en de mogelijkheden af te wegen. Natuurlijk nu met een echt bakje koffie erbij. Aan het einde van dag heb ik het eindresultaat nog mogen bewonderen. Het is super geworden...
I went on cleaning the bathroom. I had to stop as Emma came over. I just started again as te phone was ringing. The second surprise. Wilfried, a good friend, called for my advice for a quiltproject of her. Normally I come right away. But now, I want to clean my bathroom first. Half an hour later we are both watching the project and look what the possibilities are. Offcourse with a real cup of coffee. At the end of the day she has shown me the result and it turn out to be great...
De derde verrassing kwam 's middags. Mijn zusje kwam onverwachts aanwaaien. Het was reuze gezellig en ik snap eigenlijk niet waarom we dit niet vaker doen. Heerlijk bijgekletst en van elkaars gezelschap genoten.
The third surprise came in the afternoon. My sister gives me a visit. It was so good the sit down an have a chat. I don't know why we don't do it much more. I loved here compagnion and enjoyed having her around.
donderdag 28 augustus 2008
Heerlijk ochtendje Zutphen...
This morning I get up very early. At 09.00 AM we leave in the car to make a visit to Zutphen. We would visit the market but there was not much fabric to see. But my friend and I had a great time. Then, ofcourse, coffee by The Pelikaan. Specialists say they have the best coffee of the Netherlands. I was there some years ago but I didn't recognize it. They have styled it very nice. It was a pleasure to be there. I can recomment the coffee or tea The Pelikaan. You get a pot of coffee or tea with cream, cake, chocolate, and more cake. So much that my friend and I enjoy eating it. It was good we had to walk a while to get to the car. All the extra fat we have walked away. It's a pitty but I didn't make any photos.
Om jullie toch wat te laten zien heb ik wel wat foto's gemaakt bij mij thuis.
To let you see something I have made some photos at my home.
dinsdag 26 augustus 2008
Veel geborduurd...
The rose sampler is ready for the moment. Because waiting is not my biggest talent I went on with the coming patern.
En wat doe je dan? Ik ben een leuke sampler tegengekomen in een borduurboek Petits points & toile de lin van Marjorie Massey. Daar ben ik ook al weer een heel eind mee.
I also have found a nice sampler in a embroderybookPetits points & toile de lin of Marjorie Massey. Soon I will have finished this.
Al dat geborduur verklaard waarom het zo stil is geweest op het blog. De eerste week had ik geen fototoestel ter beschikking en een berichtje zonder foto is niet echt leuk. De tweede week was ik veel te druk met allerlei andere zaken. Meer hierover kun je lezen op mijn blog Amazing Grace.
All that stitching was the reason of being quiet on the blog. The first week I couldn't make pictures. And a blog without pictures isn't nice. The second week I was to busy doing all other kind of things. If you want to know more about this you can look on my other blog Amazing Grace.
woensdag 13 augustus 2008
Even wat uitproberen...
Vandaag ben ik ook weer aardig opgeschoten met het borduren aan de rose sampler. Kan straks met deel VIII beginnen.
I have tried to chanche the design of my weblog. Only the colours are changed. The letters I have changed some days ago. Do you like the changes? It is not difficult to do. Just try some colours and when yuo like them you save the changes. It's fun to do.
Today I have come a long way with the rose sampler. I can almost start with part VIII.
dinsdag 12 augustus 2008
Rose sampler vervolg...
I'm doing very well with the rose sampler. Each day I manage to make a few stitches. Today I've started with part VII. It's almost pitty that the end is near. Then I have to wait like all the other stitchers on the monthly upload.
De kleuren zijn in het echt veel warmer. De stof is ecru. De klosjes die je hier ziet heb ik een paar maanden geleden op een rommelmarkt gekocht. Ze waren nog als nieuw.
De colours are much warmer in real. De fabric is ecru. The lace bobbins I bought a few months ago on a cheap goods market. They are as new.
zondag 10 augustus 2008
Lieve teddybeer...
Bears, I always like to see them. A nice weblog were you also can admire some bears is the blog of Rosabeer.
For bears and other stuff you can have a look here.
En andere plek om leuke beren te zien vind je hier. Het is wel even zoeken maar je komt allerlei mooie dingen tegen.
An other pleace to see nice bears you can find here. You have to search a bit but you will see all kind of nice things.

zaterdag 9 augustus 2008

Again I have found a nice blog about living. Very nice to see how others decorated their homes and to find surprising solutions for your own home. What to think about this...
Als je nieuwsgierig bent geworden dan kun je hier verder kijken.
If you are nosy you can look here.
Deze is erg bekend...
The next blog is very well known, Grandma's Kitchen. On this weblog you find much freebies for stitching and quilting. You can find the link in the kolom on the right by "Handwerken".

This bag is being made by someone who uses a freebie. The patern you can find on the link above.
Op dit moment zie ik veel foto's van een berenbreiboek. Dit boek heb ik zelf een paar maanden geleden ook gekocht bij De Slegte.
vrijdag 8 augustus 2008
De dagen vliegen om...

The days went by very fast. Part IV of the Rose Sampler is almost finished. I will have to print part V and VI. If I could I would show a photo to you. But my jongest daughter is babysitting the neighbourkids and she is making a photoshoot of them. Soon I will show you my progress.
I also have a nice site for you I found some weeks ago. The basketquilt is a project I will like to make myself. The Nearly Insane Quilt is also beautiful to look at.
Vanmiddag moet ik thuis blijven omdat we een nieuwe wasmachine krijgen. Dat wordt dus lekker handwerken.
This afternoon I have to stay at home for we are getting a new washingmachine. So I have time enough to do some needlework.
Verder hebben we net een wolkenbreuk gehad. De straat staat helemaal blank en... minder leuk...via het fontijn en toilet ook wateroverlast. Hoe dat kan geen idee. Volgens mij beschikken de riolering toch over iets als een terugslagklep? Daar moet ik zo dus nog even de handjes uit de mouwen steken.
We have had downpour (don't know if that's the right word). There was so much rain the streets were full of water. Also was our toilet. I thought this could not happen. Normally you have something that must stop the water from coming back. I will have to do some cleaning up.
woensdag 6 augustus 2008

Ik ben een heel leuke ABC Stitcherie van Cathron Country Designs tegen gekomen op het internet. Elke week komt er een letter van het alfabet. Je mag de ontwerpster ook een e-mail sturen. Zij zorgt dan dat je elke week automatisch het nieuwste ontwerp krijgt.
I have found a very nice stitchery on the internet. Every week there will be a letter of the alphabet. You can send an e-mail to the designer. She will sent the newest design automaticly to you.

Ook heb ik een leuke blog van Ellies Quiltplace ontdekt. Het kleur gebruik vind ik erg mooi. Hier alvast een voorproefje.
Also I discovered an nice site. The use of colours is beautiful I think. Here you have a peek.
dinsdag 5 augustus 2008
Rose sampler vervolg...
It's going fast with the rose sampler. Yesterday I have finished part two. This way I soon can catch up with the group.
Vanmorgen ga ik een vriendin helpen met het naaien van een jurkje voor haar kleindochter. Dat wordt erg mooi.
This morning I will help a friend sewing a dress for her granddaughter. It will become very pretty.
Ook staat er vandaag nog meer verfuurtjes op het programma. Ik wil de hangoortafel af krijgen. Deze moet wit worden.
This day I will also spent some houres with painting. I hoop to finish a gatelegtable. It has to be white.
maandag 4 augustus 2008
De rose sampler en meer...
It's a long time a go that you could read something here. So it's about time to give you all the news there is. Friday, I started with the rose sampler for the second time. It has been a while a go that I thought I've found the right fabric and the right color of thread for it. But the result wasn't what I had aspected.
Dus vrijdag opnieuw begonnen. Wel hetzelfde borduurgaren maar andere borduurstof. Gelukkig is dit wel naar mijn zin.
So Friday a new start. The same color of thread but another fabric. Lucky me, it is exactly what I want.Wil je dit project ook borduren kijk dan in de kolom aan de rechterkant onder projecten.
If you want to emborder this sampler look at the kolom on the right by projects.
Zaterdag ben ik de hele dag aan het schilderen geweest. De eettafel en -stoelen zijn van hun laatste laagje verf voorzien. Pfff... dat was een hele klus. Ook de salontafel deels afgelakt. Vandaag het laatste stukje doen.
Saterday I've been painting the whole day. The dinnertable and -chairs have got there final cote of paint. Pfff... it's quite a job. Also the salontable is partly finished. Today I want to finish it.